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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Still feeling somewhat disconnected!

Well class went very well Tuesday night except for taking about 15 minutes to connect to the class in Manchester. This was our third class in the northern outpost of Plymouth, watching on the screen the power point presentation and listening to a voice at least half an hour away. I'm still trying to get used to this teleconferencing stuff. I see the benefits of having one instructor for all of us, but it's not the same. The best part was that for the first time we didn't get disconnected from the conference. Yeah!

The tough part was that when there is a discussion going on in Manchester it's really difficult to feel like you a part of what is going on. We really can't hear all the questions or the comments that are being made. The last discussion that was going on down there seemed to have some energy to it, unfortunately that energy is lost in the transmission to our group up at PSU.

The northern group is a tough bunch, and we will persevere through the issues, but honestly deep inside we long to be a closer part to our entire class. Fortunately this option is available, because if I had to drive to Manchester two nights a week I probably wouldn't be able to continue on this journey.

This class reminds me of a course that I took when I was in the Seminary. Ironically, I attended the same Seminary our incoming Bishop attended. I really love the insights and the information about that period of time being presented to us in this course.

Well, I'm posting all this information before tonight's class. I got out early to make some sandwiches for Mike and I. I found a recipe that I'm trying out on Mike. We will find out soon enough if Mike is able to continue to attend. Just kidding!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis!


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