It's something that I had been doing almost daily as a child but in time it slowly faded away, but obviously never disappeared. The Rosary and pondering the meditations.
Yes, I have done it regularly but it never took a strong root into my heart until now.
For quite some time now I have been getting some very gentle hints that I should be praying the rosary. I would say it began in earnest when I rejoined the Knights of Columbus and received a gift, a rosary. At the time I said, it's beautiful, it's nice, I'll hand it at the side of my bed. There it stayed for quite some time. I happened to lose it once in my garden when I attempted to pray irregularly. I shared that with my Dad and he gave me his. Another hint that never took root.
A few months ago my mother gave me her father's rosary, wow! My Pepere was a very faithful man. Like in the past I had the perfect place for it, hanging it in one of the shrine areas of the house I have. I thought to myself it looks good.
A few weeks ago I received a gift from my sister in Illinois. My Mom called to tell me to quickly come over to see. A huge rosary with large beads. Wow! What did I do? The same, I had a great place to hang it around the framed charge to a Deacon! It looks great.
A week ago I'm serving Mass and my little niece was there and we had a long talk, and then she shared that Sister Rouen a Blue Nun and a friend gave her a rosary and invited her to pray everyday. I was moved to say to her, let's make a pact that together before Jesus, we will both pray the rosary daily.
The little nudge, or hint, finally took root. I really needed help in something I must work on in my life and I need to tell you that the power of the rosary is immense. I've learned to change my life in so many ways, simply by praying the rosary and meditating on the life of Christ, and Mary.
I also brought out a book I've had since ordination "Ordained to Serve...Prayers and Blessings for Permanent Deacons." In there I discovered a treasure! Meditations that are set for a Deacon to help them in service to Christ and His Church!
I pray that this little story, this little hint, maybe all the nudge you need to pray!
On this feast day of St. Monica, through her intercession we pray for the conversion of all our loved ones who have gone astray. Never lose hope, never stop praying.
Deacon Mitch