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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Behold the man!

First again, I would love to apologize for taking a very long break. There are so many reasons why, but in essence they are only excuses. I know that I have apologized before, but through the grace of God I will persevere.

It is without a doubt a fact, that our lives are very hectic. We run from here to there, and we live on Reminders and schedules. Those reminders help to keep us on track, and that is good,  but if we forget why we were created in the first place the reminders actually have no purpose.

We were created to Love! We were created to love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ!

I want to share with you that I have not wasted the time away from posting anything on this blog. Several months ago a really good friend of mine, a priest friend of mine, issued a challenge to all his parishioners, read at least one book this year. I am one who is always up for a good challenge. He gave us a list of books to choose from, and I chose one from Saint mother Theresa of Calcutta.

The book was absolutely awesome! So much so, that I was hooked. I know I've shared with all of you that I have never had a great love for reading. I really can't explain why this happened in my life, but it is so. Given that, something needed to change in my life! Father Andrew helped push me to that point, without a doubt from a lot of nudging of the Holy Spirit!

Well here we are several months later, and really not about bragging, but about giving glory to God that time in study was desperately needed. I needed to know more and more about our glorious faith. There became a hunger inside of me that became insatiable. This quote from Jeremiah seems to resonate in my heart and in my mind, when he says when I discovered your word I devoured it! Often times I feel like I'm at a banquet with so much to choose from, so much to devour, but I don't know where to start. Well it started with one book, and now it seems like it will never end. I have a great list of books that I need to go through, realizing that it is all one at a time. 

So here we are and I know you're really wondering where I am going with all of this. The title of this posting should suggest where I am. That is the name of the book that I'm reading at this time, Behold the Man, A Catholic vision of male  spirituality. The book is authored by Deacon Harold 

The main reason why I was drawn to this book, is because I strongly believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding me to work with men in order to become true men of God true men of the Spirit true men of what God has created us to be. With men being about 15% of our parishes population that is going to mass, something needs to change. I am a strong believer that the Lord Jesus Christ through the movement of the Holy Spirit, stirs something within all of us to be agents of change.

Far too often I am hearing these words that are starting to irritate me. I am a good man, I've done enough! As I look at the cross I am reminded of the Jesus prayer "Lord Jesus Christ son of the living God have mercy on me A sinner." Jesus gave it all, he gave himself up completely for us, and we are called to do no less.

I am not telling you that you need to read this book, I am telling you you need to read to discover the richness the beauty in the tradition of Christ's one and only Church, where the fullness of truth resides. Here is the quote that I would love to share it with you at this time, "we cannot, in a sense live life as it is meant to be lived, as it truly exists, if we are not open to participating in the life of the Spirit." It is time for all man to live life in the Spirit!

I am sending this challenge mostly to you men  out there, it's time for us to be who God created us to be, and that is real men who love unconditionally, and who'll share that love unconditionally. This world is sorely lacking in real men! Once again men out there it's time for you guys to be an agent of change.

I promise you through the grace of God that I will put my best effort to post something at least once a week. Tomorrow Terry and I are off to a retreat with our diaconate community. I am so excited as it will be the The first time since ordination joining my brothers and sisters in Christ! It will be a time of reflection and prayer that is desperately needed also in my life. Stand tall my brothers, the devil will not be happy with what you were doing, but stand tall!

May the God of mercy, the God of love, who conquers all fears, descend upon you and remain with you all forever Amen!

Deacon Mitch