In today's reading we discover in both the Old Testament and the Gospel, a discussion that centers around the widows. We find that these widows have given completely of themselves with no regards for their own livelihood.
Are we as Catholics, that committed to our faith? Do we give completely of ourselves, our total selves when we aren't surrounded by the safe confines of the walls of the Church?
Fr. Marc challenged us to be the widow, and to pray that there can be more of the widow inside of us all.
He spoke of power and how we use it. The use of money, and of knowledge as power over how we live our lives. Are we using it? Or, are we simply witholding it?
I know I struggle with this challenge. The more you know, the more you have, the more that is expected of you. It isn't all about money, or just knowledge, it is about the gifts that we are blessed with.
This week I'll be reflecting daily on what I'm really doing with the knowledge, and the financial gifts that I have received. May they all glorify God, and bring about the kingdom of God.
I pray that I may become more like the widow, and also the good Deacon who is charged to care for the widows, and the orphans. May I never forget that my calling is to serve and not to be served!