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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Friday, April 15, 2016

No teasing and no spoiler alert

I finally finished reading lord of the world from Robert Hugh Benson. All I can tell you is that I was extremely shocked by the ending of the book. This is definitely a must read book. Definitely two thumbs up!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Commentary on Lord of the World

 In a 2005 essay, Joseph Pearce wrote that, while Orwell and Huxley's novels are "great literature", they "are clearly inferior works of prophecy." Pearce explains that while "the political dictatorships" that inspired Huxley and Orwell "have had their day", "Benson's novel-nightmare ...is coming true before our very eyes."[57]

Pearce elaborates,

The world depicted in Lord of the World is one where creeping secularism and godless humanism have triumphed over traditional morality. It is a world where philosophical relativism has triumphed over objectivity; a world where, in the name of tolerance, religious doctrine is not tolerated. It is a world where euthanasia is practiced widely and religion hardly practiced at all. The lord of this nightmare world is a benign-looking politician intent on power in the name of "peace", and intent on the destruction of religion in the name of "truth". In such a world, only a small and shrinking Church stands resolutely against the demonic "Lord of the World".[58]

Monday, April 11, 2016

Can't stop

Adeste fideles_ sang the choir from the tribune.--Come, let us adore, rather than weep; let us exult, be content, be ourselves like little children. As He for us became a child, let us become childlike for Him. Let us put on the garments of infancy and the shoes of peace. _For the Lord hath reigned.

Again more from the book that I am reading.

And it continues...

The white head bowed. Then it rose erect.
"Yes, my son.... But so long as Jesus Christ deigns to use us, we must be used. He is Prophet and King as well as Priest. We then, too, must be prophet and king as well as priest. What of Prophecy and Royalty?"
The voice thrilled Percy like a trumpet.
"Yes, Holiness.... For prophecy, then, let us preach charity; for Royalty, let us reign on crosses. We must love and suffer.... " (He drew one sobbing breath.) "Your Holiness has preached charity always. Let charity then issue in good deeds. Let us be foremost in them; let us engage in trade honestly, in family life chastely, in government uprightly. And as for suffering--ah! Holiness!"

Another excerpt from The Lord of the world

Holy Father--the mass, prayer, the rosary. These first and last. The world denies their power: it is on their power that Christians must throw all their weight. All things in Jesus Christ--in Jesus Christ, first and last. Nothing else can avail. He must do all, for we can do nothing." Fr Percy to the Pope

Amazing how true these words are still today! Please keep in mind that this book was written in 1907!

Saturday, April 9, 2016


under all a satisfaction that God's grace was so sovereign. If it could reach this woman, who could be too far removed for it to take effect? From the Lord of the World 

Cracking open a book

Reading has never been one of my passions.  When you have the Popes recommending a book to be read, I guess it was time to crack open the book. 
I've started reading this book, and find it so interesting. I've never had many books    that are difficult to put down, this is one of them. Give it some thought. Please share any thoughts with any of you who have already read this book. If you have trouble finding it you can probably download it onto your tablet or phone

Thursday, April 7, 2016

In a familiar place again

I have talked numerous times for balance in life. One of the many ways I look for balance is on Tuesday evenings during the fall, winter, and spring.  I have been in a league for several years now and for the past four years the team I sponsored has had a great run. Two years ago we were knocking on the doorstep of the championship and we .......choked! We had fun but we definitely choked under the pressure. Second place was nice, but not where we should have been.

This year we were in a familiar place. Two weeks to go and we only have to win two games, only two games to win the championship. Last week we were crushed definitely outclassed, and left wondering whether we would fall under the weight of pressure again.

Tuesday night arrived, and there was definitely a sense of urgency. One of our bowlers couldn't make it and we made a decision to put me in. I was working until 7 when bowling begins. I was a little late but just in time to be the lead off player. Strike!!! That was a good start.

The game was back and forth and going into the tenth we were down like last week. We had set ourselves up in the ninth nicely for a possible big finish. It happened. I hit a spare and then a strike, and the rest of the team stepped up. We won the first by a measly 26 pins. One down one more to go.

The second game would almost be a carbon copy of the first. Going into the tenth frame we set ourselves up nicely for the tenth even though we were down in pin count. Again I started off with 2 strikes and a 7 count. The team was on a roll and we ending up winning by 22 pins.

Experience, patience, focus, was the key. Our top bowler mentioned his tempo. He shared that he worked on it all night. It kept him balanced and he really produced for us bowling a strong 230 in the first game and a 581 series.

Tempo, hmmmmmmmmmm! I thought about it, and still do. An even tempo, not rushing into anything, not trying to do too much, just a nice tempo. Sounds like a possible homily coming up and a guide to life.

Find your balance and enjoy life!

Image result for bowling champions

Monday, April 4, 2016

Divine Mercy Sunday with a twist!

For a change of pace, a chance to be visible, our parish celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday. This time Father chose four centers of prayer throughout our parishes. I happens to get the East Side, where I grew up. This was the first service since closing Guardian Angel, and also my first time vesting there. It was bitterly cold and we had low expectations. Normally we get 40 or 50 people inside the Church. 
We had about 250 people at all locations! I know we were all shocked! We were all ecstatic to gather, pray and take back our community! Check out these brave and faithful souls...