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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

A thought for today! Let it be our resolve to be in that group of 10% who realize the Blessings we receive, but most of all give thanks to God!


Deacon Mitch 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Remembrance Mass

Every year we honor those we have loved and loss!


Deacon Mitch

More from a November to remember

More pictures from a tremendous community building event.


Deacon Mitch 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Tonight it began with a wonderful and grace filled evening. It is a blessing gathering with many who love Christ and are looking to enhance their relationship with Christ. We were blessed to have friends from all over the state. We are meeting every third Tuesday of the month. Come to Gorham next month, come be a friend, make a friend, then bring a friend to Christ.


Deacon Mitch

Thursday, November 13, 2014

From our Holy Father

In the silence of a home, where there may only be 50 cents left until the end of the month, but where there is always prayer, care for children and grandparents, there is the Kingdom of God. Far from the noise of the crowd, because the Kingdom of God “does not attract attention” in the same way a seed that grows underground does not attract [attention]. Pope Francis


Deacon Mitch

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Learning to avoid saying yes immediately

I've come to realize that not saying yes is a challenge. Two parishioners came into the store to buy paint and soon the conversation moved to a discussion on our parish and the buzz that they sense and then my own ministry. "You must find it challenging balancing everything ....yes...will you be going to the nursing homes? Pause..."I would love to, but at this time Fr Kyle has assigned some tasks he would like me to do." That pause and response was difficult. Realistically, I don't know if I really have the time. I shared with them what I am now doing and they understood. My spiritual director shared saying no is also a sign of wisdom. Slowly, I am beginning to learn.


Deacon Mitch

A thought this day...perhaps every day!

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).


Deacon Mitch

Monday, November 10, 2014

A reminder of our Mission

He has won you for himself . . .and you must proclaim what he has done for you: he has called you out of darkness into his own wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).


Deacon Mitch

Saturday, November 8, 2014

We heard it again!

Tonight at Mass Fr. Isaac shared a simple message..."we are all Missionaries, it's all our job to reach out, to evangelize!" I think God wants to make sure we all get the memo...it's all your jobs! Go!


Deacon Mitch

Take away from the week

Another joy filed week celebrating each moment. If there is one thing that I can take away from this week is that we are a Missionary Church, and that we are all Missionaries! It started last Sunday with the return of a friend to Church, talking to him a few times this week, just being present to others and willing to be that witness. Yesterday a friend and I shared moments, talking about my last homily. None of these moments in of itself were earth shattering, yet they underline the score of this fact Pope Emeritus Benedict said...We have been entrusted on a mission." The Church is a living example that God is alive!

So to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.....put on your shades, your shoes, your suit, your hat, for we are all on a Mission from God!


Deacon Mitch

PS Told you at times I'm corny!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

There is joy in his heart

Today is a busy day, even though it's officially a day off. I spent a few moments early with my beautiful wife, attended morning Mass, then stopped by to see a friend, the man I referred to as coming home. This morning he was beaming, there is joy in his heart! He shared how much Fr Kyle and I touched his heart by welcoming him home. He also shared that it had been 20 years since he was in community with all of us. 20 years ago he was there to say goodbye to his Dad, and it was only fitting that 20 years later, he would come home on the Feast of All Souls! Praise God! Today I was gently reminded that we are all called to be Missionaries. We can all do this in our neighborhoods! 

I had a meeting with Boss#3! Fr Kyle! God #1, Terry #2, ...!  We discussed my ministry, schedule, RCIA, Ultreyas, small group reunions, Baptisms. Yes we are a busy parish! God is good..all the time! As our meeting was coming to a close I received a picture text showing how that evil Maple tree by the office shed its leaves all over my windshield. My car was the only victim. I called Fr Andrew and asked him to bless that tree. I believe there is a homily in the making here! Stay tuned! 

Please pray for the ladies Cursillo that will be starting this Thursday evening. We have 24 ladies so far! 

Enjoy the day! Who knows what else will happen. 


Deacon Mitch

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The return of a lost sinner

In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away! Luke 15:7

Today these gospel words from St Luke have come alive! Praise God! God is good...all the time! Alleluia!


Deacon Mitch

Day 2 and counting....

We have a contest at the store. Usually I lose, can't stand facial hair. Either way game on!


Deacon Mitch

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Welcome Home

For months now our Priests have preached words of welcome everywhere. It is only fitting that we all take up the cause of Mission we are called to. Faith isn't something we lock away or hang on the wall like a rare painting. Welcome to those searching, Welcome Home! Be a missionary, pass it on!


Deacon Mitch