It's another weekend and once again we are making the trip south to "be" with family. With the arrival of our granddaughter we have been making several of these to help out as much as we can. We have both been down there three times and it's become very ritual but far from ordinary. As we gaze into her eyes we do see changes each week and it is definitely worth the trip.
On Saturday night we thought we would gamble and see if Deacon Roger (my old high school french teacher) would be at Mass in South Berwick. It was the 4 pm Mass and the three of us, of course Myanna would be there, are hoping for something special. As I knelt to pray Terry whispers to me...."is that him?" Sure enough, it was and we shared a brief moment together before Mass. Ironically his homily spoke of someone trying to connect with him this week and finally doing so, and he continued to say that person was attending Mass that evening and was preparing to be a permanent Deacon in New Hampshire. He shared about his sense of humor and how we need to connect with one another. After Mass we spoke fondly about old memories, and we were excited to blessed by him.
There has been a feeling for quite some time now that I need to make a better effort to reach out to people, to listen, to touch, but most of all to "be" with them.
Yesterday we prepared for Mass at 11 pm. My daughter had mentioned...."but Dad, you just went yesterday, why again?" I shared with her a little story she had told me how much she valued being with people she loved, and I told her a very good friend of mine is saying Mass and I may not see him again until next May! She looked up to me, and said...."I understand!"
Once again the three of us walked up the street to celebrate the Lord and to be with someone we love! It was a wonderful Mass and an exceptional homily that challenged people to think of what they would do if they only had one hour left. Who would you see? Who would you reach out to? We spoke to Fr. Andrew one more time and then walked back to the apartment glowing.
I then turned on my cell phone and got a message from a great friend who I was I reaching out to earlier this week. He shared some wonderful news with me, and he promised to call so we could hear each other's voice.
My best friend then started a texting war with me and asked me if I would go with him to check out Perseid last night. I thought of saying no, but said yes and told him I would be home at one am and asked him to pick me up.
The day continued on spending time with our little girl, watching her, singing to her (she loves music and my voice), and just "being" with her until her mommy and daddy showed up. We then made the long trip back home and in Gorham I texted my buddy that I would be home soon. I got home and continued sending him messages with no responses.
This morning he called me and commented that he was bluffing and didn't think I really meant it. Initially, I was going to say no yet something inside of me said "why not!" Well of course I told him that I would never be one of those people who would give him a hard time about this, not!!!! He will pay, but of course at the right moment to get the full effect of public humiliation, after all what are best friends for. Today I'm disappointed because I think we missed out on a moment to be with one another.
So, if you only had one hour left what would you do?
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,