When I think about being a Permanent Deacon, a job comes to mind. A Waiter! He is preparing the Lord's Table, working hard to make sure everything is just right. His mission is to take care of the guests by helping them go through the menu and make just the right choices. How can I help you today!!
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Scenes from my first Christmas
Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
It is the holiest of all signs!
Week one of the Eucharist course is done and we continue to move forward. It was a challenge keeping up with everything, but this week I really surprised myself. I have found a passion for reading! Besides what I needed to read for my course, I read the book "Rebuilt". From the comments from our other Deacon Candidates it almost seems like everyone has read this. If you haven't it is worth the time.It ended up being one of those books I had trouble putting it down.
I also finished the Pope's first encyclical and I really loved his words about the Sacraments. No, I'm not going to write them down for you because I feel that you should all take the time to read it. The only regret I have is that it didn't come out until after I finished my Baptismal Catechesis project. I know I will have to include some of it eventually. You gotta love our Pope!
As of yesterday Week 2 started for our course and there is some reading to do. I started reading the required book "The Eucharistic Celebration, The Source and Summit of Faith", by Adolf Adam. I was really moved by something I need to share with you and I will let the authors words inspire you:
I also finished the Pope's first encyclical and I really loved his words about the Sacraments. No, I'm not going to write them down for you because I feel that you should all take the time to read it. The only regret I have is that it didn't come out until after I finished my Baptismal Catechesis project. I know I will have to include some of it eventually. You gotta love our Pope!
As of yesterday Week 2 started for our course and there is some reading to do. I started reading the required book "The Eucharistic Celebration, The Source and Summit of Faith", by Adolf Adam. I was really moved by something I need to share with you and I will let the authors words inspire you:
"Because actions that are frequently repeated are in danger of losing beauty in their
outward form as well as losing the power and depth that come from inner participation, the following statement by Romano Guardini deserves careful consideration:
"When we cross ourselves, let it be a real sign of the cross.
Instead of a cramped gesture that gives no notion of its meaning,
let us make a large, unhurried sign,
from forehead to breast,
from shoulder to shoulder,
consciously feeling how it includes the whole of us at once,
how it consecrates and sanctifies us.
It does so because it is the sign of the universe and the sign of our redemption....
It is the holiest of all signs."
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
A moment of faith!
Last night I was given a tremendous vote of confidence, and the faith that was bestowed upon me by our two wonderful priests is very heartwarming. These two men have worked very hard to put together a busy schedule to enlighten all the members of our parishes. With such a schedule it's not surprising that there is going to be some overlap in events and when one of them is away it can pose a challenge.
One aspect of my assignment to the parish is that I would lead at least one evening, an episode of the Catholicism series that is being presented to the adults of our parish. A few weeks ago our priest's realized that they had a dilemma, two events (Catholicism & Boot camp for our Confirmation candidates) and one priest gone on retreat. I was asked and I accepted with great anticipation the invitation to lead on Tuesday evening the 22nd. Last week I watched and learned how they managed the evening, and with a quick lesson in technology it was soon to be my turn.
Was I nervous, yeah a bit, but I was really looking forward to this. Sort of like riding your bike without training wheels for the first time. It was a little bumpy, yet it certainly was a joy and a thrill. Yes I struggled a little with the procedure, yes also with the equipment, but the thrill to have these people, my family in Christ, share their thoughts and their own understanding was awesome! I could feel Christ's presence within our midst and it was evident as I looked into their eyes.
I know that this will be another one of the first of many opportunities to come, yet this one was very, very special for me.
Bonsoir et Adieu mes Amis,
One aspect of my assignment to the parish is that I would lead at least one evening, an episode of the Catholicism series that is being presented to the adults of our parish. A few weeks ago our priest's realized that they had a dilemma, two events (Catholicism & Boot camp for our Confirmation candidates) and one priest gone on retreat. I was asked and I accepted with great anticipation the invitation to lead on Tuesday evening the 22nd. Last week I watched and learned how they managed the evening, and with a quick lesson in technology it was soon to be my turn.
Was I nervous, yeah a bit, but I was really looking forward to this. Sort of like riding your bike without training wheels for the first time. It was a little bumpy, yet it certainly was a joy and a thrill. Yes I struggled a little with the procedure, yes also with the equipment, but the thrill to have these people, my family in Christ, share their thoughts and their own understanding was awesome! I could feel Christ's presence within our midst and it was evident as I looked into their eyes.
I know that this will be another one of the first of many opportunities to come, yet this one was very, very special for me.
Bonsoir et Adieu mes Amis,
Sunday, October 20, 2013
From Goat....
Yes it is a wonderful day in New England, the skies are clearing, and yes our beloved Red Sox are heading back to the world series. From being the goats of the American League East to a chance at redemption, to win it all.
Shane Victorino typifies that metaphor of goat to hero, struggling to hit, and maybe just maybe questioning his own abilities. Failing to move the runners along at a crucial time, when he was considered one of the best at bunting.
Then it comes, one more opportunity in front of him! As he approaches the plate he hears the chorus of faithful chanting...........
"Don't worry 'bout a thing," they crooned, "cuz every little thing's gonna be all right."
Can't you just imagine how you would feel if someone chanted that to you! Today and everyday Our Lord Jesus Christ is calling to us, crooning to us, telling us not to worry, cuz everything is going to be all right! With all the distractions out there in the world we often times struggle to hear him! So listen up everybody cuz this one's for you....
"Don't worry 'bout a thing," Christ and all the choirs of Saints are crooning, "cuz every little thing's gonna be all right."
"Don't worry 'bout a thing," Christ and all the choirs of Saints are crooning, "cuz every little thing's gonna be all right."
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Thursday, October 17, 2013
With Great Honor to serve!
This week I continued to get opportunities to grow, to learn, to serve, and to evangelize. With the passing away of Terry's uncle the family asked that I help them to prepare for the funeral. Terry and I worked as a team, going to their home, listening, sharing memories, and preparing for the words of remembrance of Uncle Chet. I asked Fr. Kyle if I could assist as Acolyte and he agreed that it would be a great opportunity to learn and to honor the family.
I didn't stress as much with preparing what to say as I have recently. I wonder if it was that because I was in front of my peers and I may have tried too hard? I honestly think that this is what happened. On Tuesday evening I confided with Fr. Kyle that I was struggling to come up with something, and he shared this "keep it simple!" Hmmmm! Was I over thinking this again? Probably! No, definitely! I was inspired by things I saw, words I heard, the sharing of words from my wife, inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and words and thoughts that came to me when speaking with my daughter.
This morning I thought that I should type it up in large enough print that I could follow my thoughts. A gush of inspiration filled me and it was as if the words were being spoken to me. It's tough to put something down about how you feel about someone and what you admired most about them.
I felt a little nervous today, yet there was a peace that was deep inside me. I continue to try to improve on what I do at the altar, and all for the glory of God.
The moment came and there was a deep, very deep inner peace that came over me. I almost didn't need the papers in front of me, yet I'm not quite there yet. I was proud and honored to be able to do this for God and one of his creations. As Fr. Kyle put it, "Chet was unique, and there will never be another one quite like him!"
Uncle Chet loved the classics in music, not classical, but the oldies. I felt that there was two songs from his era that summed up him and his life. The first one was Blue Skies! What I admired the most about him was how much he valued life and never complained, even though he was battling throat cancer. He wasn't one of those people you meet and ask how they are doing, only to regret that you even asked them the question. Uncle Chet was great, there was nothing but Blue Skies in his life!
Lastly, I ended with a song that speaks well to many people. The Nat King Cole classic,
Unforgettable! When you love someone, and truly love them, they will always be Unforgettable to you!
Rest in Peace Uncle Chet!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
I didn't stress as much with preparing what to say as I have recently. I wonder if it was that because I was in front of my peers and I may have tried too hard? I honestly think that this is what happened. On Tuesday evening I confided with Fr. Kyle that I was struggling to come up with something, and he shared this "keep it simple!" Hmmmm! Was I over thinking this again? Probably! No, definitely! I was inspired by things I saw, words I heard, the sharing of words from my wife, inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and words and thoughts that came to me when speaking with my daughter.
This morning I thought that I should type it up in large enough print that I could follow my thoughts. A gush of inspiration filled me and it was as if the words were being spoken to me. It's tough to put something down about how you feel about someone and what you admired most about them.
I felt a little nervous today, yet there was a peace that was deep inside me. I continue to try to improve on what I do at the altar, and all for the glory of God.
The moment came and there was a deep, very deep inner peace that came over me. I almost didn't need the papers in front of me, yet I'm not quite there yet. I was proud and honored to be able to do this for God and one of his creations. As Fr. Kyle put it, "Chet was unique, and there will never be another one quite like him!"
Uncle Chet loved the classics in music, not classical, but the oldies. I felt that there was two songs from his era that summed up him and his life. The first one was Blue Skies! What I admired the most about him was how much he valued life and never complained, even though he was battling throat cancer. He wasn't one of those people you meet and ask how they are doing, only to regret that you even asked them the question. Uncle Chet was great, there was nothing but Blue Skies in his life!
Lastly, I ended with a song that speaks well to many people. The Nat King Cole classic,
Unforgettable! When you love someone, and truly love them, they will always be Unforgettable to you!
Rest in Peace Uncle Chet!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Feast of Saint Teresa of Jesus
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
“Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things
are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.”[1]Monday, October 14, 2013
Back to school!
School officially begins today as we are back on line for the first of our final three courses!

The course is Eucharist: The Source and Summit of the Christian Life!
"Getting pulled in many directions!"
I had so many plans for the week, and then the Lord had his own plans. My wife and I are in formation for the MRA ( Mother Rivier Association ) her in Berlin. I have been blessed to have had many wonderful sisters that have taught me so much more than my education studies. I got out early to prepare and was checking out a few things on the computer and then the power went out. I soon got a call from the store and because it was so late I decided to close the store early. I got home and checked if Terry was ready and we walked to the convent, which was only a block away. Soon we were in front of St. Joseph's church and the lights went on. Sister noted, "you brought the power with you!" It was a great night to study about Mother Rivier and share time with other faithful.
Tuesday was a very, very, busy day. I had a district meeting in White River Junction Vt. and that was scheduled to go on until 4pm. It was a good meeting, but it was very similar to the many I have attended over the years. I asked my district manager if I could get out at 3:45 because I had an event that night. He was right on as we had everything wrapped up by 3:45. It didn't take me long to get on the road and head straight to the church to assist at the Healing Mass. Mike and I volunteered to help out at the event that was very well attended.
Wednesday I got the call from Terry that her uncle was in the hospital and not doing very well. Unfortunately she had to work and asked if I would go. Soon thereafter Fr. Kyle called and asked if I could do the prayers at a wake service on Thursday night. Having never done one I asked for the book and a crash course.
That evening went very well and there was just something very spiritual going on. My cousin asked what was the book I was holding and then I asked if she knew that I was studying to be a Deacon and I wanted to pray over her father. She did know and consented that we would pray together. I could really feel the presence of Christ in our midst and time seem to move on slowly. She opened up and my Uncle seemed to be very much at peace. She then asked if I could come back the next night and then said........
"could you please bring your book!" The words comforted her in this difficult time and she seemed to be at peace too.
Thursday was a long day working a 12 hour shift and then heading straight up to the hospital to be with family. We talked for quite a while and then we gathered holding hands and prayed over my Uncle. Once again the presence of the Lord was definitely in our midst and the peace of Christ brought comfort and love to all of us. I excused myself to leave to be with another family who had lost their loved one. Again, this was a crash course and it too was a Spirit filled time. I thought it went very well and one of our parishioners stated that he was so glad that I was there with them.
Friday Terry and I left to go camping for our second and final time this year. We were blessed to be with family, friends, and our guest of honor Myanna, our granddaughter. I get recharged so much from these moments.
Last night we attended Mass and I got to serve for the first time with Fr. Kyle. Again it was a very Spirit filled time. I'm starting to feel comfortable with this being only the second time. It was great hearing and feeling the support of the parishioners. At the end of Mass Fr. showed me how they close up the church and then I spent the rest of the evening with Mom, Dad, and Terry.
Yes, it was a busy week, and yes it was very Spirit filled!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Tuesday was a very, very, busy day. I had a district meeting in White River Junction Vt. and that was scheduled to go on until 4pm. It was a good meeting, but it was very similar to the many I have attended over the years. I asked my district manager if I could get out at 3:45 because I had an event that night. He was right on as we had everything wrapped up by 3:45. It didn't take me long to get on the road and head straight to the church to assist at the Healing Mass. Mike and I volunteered to help out at the event that was very well attended.
Wednesday I got the call from Terry that her uncle was in the hospital and not doing very well. Unfortunately she had to work and asked if I would go. Soon thereafter Fr. Kyle called and asked if I could do the prayers at a wake service on Thursday night. Having never done one I asked for the book and a crash course.
That evening went very well and there was just something very spiritual going on. My cousin asked what was the book I was holding and then I asked if she knew that I was studying to be a Deacon and I wanted to pray over her father. She did know and consented that we would pray together. I could really feel the presence of Christ in our midst and time seem to move on slowly. She opened up and my Uncle seemed to be very much at peace. She then asked if I could come back the next night and then said........
"could you please bring your book!" The words comforted her in this difficult time and she seemed to be at peace too.
Thursday was a long day working a 12 hour shift and then heading straight up to the hospital to be with family. We talked for quite a while and then we gathered holding hands and prayed over my Uncle. Once again the presence of the Lord was definitely in our midst and the peace of Christ brought comfort and love to all of us. I excused myself to leave to be with another family who had lost their loved one. Again, this was a crash course and it too was a Spirit filled time. I thought it went very well and one of our parishioners stated that he was so glad that I was there with them.
Friday Terry and I left to go camping for our second and final time this year. We were blessed to be with family, friends, and our guest of honor Myanna, our granddaughter. I get recharged so much from these moments.
Last night we attended Mass and I got to serve for the first time with Fr. Kyle. Again it was a very Spirit filled time. I'm starting to feel comfortable with this being only the second time. It was great hearing and feeling the support of the parishioners. At the end of Mass Fr. showed me how they close up the church and then I spent the rest of the evening with Mom, Dad, and Terry.
Yes, it was a busy week, and yes it was very Spirit filled!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Monday, October 7, 2013
Experiencing all the senses!
This past weekend was one to remember. It all began on Friday evening at the Church Festival walking around, talking to so many people, and then seeing our good friends from Franklin walking through the door. Originally we had a full weekend planned, but because of commitments to the parish our friends had to leave Saturday evening instead of being here the full weekend.
Regardless we left the festival at about 8:30 and relaxed and shared many stories at Mike's and Elise's house. With an early morning departure planned, I promised myself that I wouldn't keep them up too late even though I was really enjoying the moments.
On Saturday we all headed to the Fryeburg Fair. Terry and I were never big on going to fairs, but this one is very special. We had a great day being with each other and sampling many great delicacies and indulgences. It was amazing that our noses when on high alert and being bombarded with so much. I commented that you could have found your way without your eyes opened to what was drawing you. I then commented to Tom that it could have been used in a homily, oops "reflection". Do we really use all the gifts that God gave us?
That evening we capped it off with a great meal of "Beef Stew"! It was a perfect time together. We shared our friendship, our love, and our enjoyment of being together.
Yesterday was my first day to serve as Acolyte at Mass. It was a great experience right from the start. I was very proud and humbled to be given the honor to serve at the table. Just before the end of Mass Fr. Marc congratulated the director and the choir for their fine work, and then announced to the community that no they didn't miss an ordination and that Mike and I were getting closer but not quite there. I served many years as an altar boy and then served a few more with my son. I was comfortable, and a little nervous yesterday. It truly was a very special experience.
The rest of the day was pretty quiet, dinner with my folks, a little work around the house, and a quiet evening doing face time with our granddaughter.
It was truly a weekend where I experienced all the senses!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Regardless we left the festival at about 8:30 and relaxed and shared many stories at Mike's and Elise's house. With an early morning departure planned, I promised myself that I wouldn't keep them up too late even though I was really enjoying the moments.
On Saturday we all headed to the Fryeburg Fair. Terry and I were never big on going to fairs, but this one is very special. We had a great day being with each other and sampling many great delicacies and indulgences. It was amazing that our noses when on high alert and being bombarded with so much. I commented that you could have found your way without your eyes opened to what was drawing you. I then commented to Tom that it could have been used in a homily, oops "reflection". Do we really use all the gifts that God gave us?
That evening we capped it off with a great meal of "Beef Stew"! It was a perfect time together. We shared our friendship, our love, and our enjoyment of being together.
Yesterday was my first day to serve as Acolyte at Mass. It was a great experience right from the start. I was very proud and humbled to be given the honor to serve at the table. Just before the end of Mass Fr. Marc congratulated the director and the choir for their fine work, and then announced to the community that no they didn't miss an ordination and that Mike and I were getting closer but not quite there. I served many years as an altar boy and then served a few more with my son. I was comfortable, and a little nervous yesterday. It truly was a very special experience.
The rest of the day was pretty quiet, dinner with my folks, a little work around the house, and a quiet evening doing face time with our granddaughter.
It was truly a weekend where I experienced all the senses!
Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Oct 01, About Today for Theresa of the Child Jesus, V
Good Morning to all! As my wife celebrates the feast day of her favorite saint and upon whom she is named after I wish her the best of all the little things that God will reveal to her today and everyday!
Oct 01, About Today for Theresa of the Child Jesus, V
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