Last night our discussion in New Testament was the Gospel of John. Fr. Robert described it coming literally out of left field, there is nothing else quite like it! I agree! Parallelisms, dichotomies, symbolism....ah the symbolism's. Three hours, only three hours, a shame! Like a great movie we all seemed to leave wishing there was so much more. All of us seemed to leave with something that captured our attention.
And what captured mine? Well the use of the word woman. Woman in Genesis began with Eve, and in John the word or name Woman is being used again. In the Wedding at Cana, Jesus calls his mother Woman, "Woman how does your concern affect me?" John 2:4. We then move on to the Crucifixion where Jesus says, "Woman, behold your son." and then to the beloved disciple "Behold, your Mother." John 19:26. Amazing is about the only word I could think of. We talked about Mary the new Eve, the one who is our true model of Faith. Oh, it doesn't end there. When Christ appears to Mary Magdalen the word Woman, "Woman why are you weeping?" John 20:13, is used again. Of course not in the same context as Jesus Mother, but as of one having an intimate relationship with Him.
Yesterday, when I read the Word Among Us reflection, it dealt with relationships and the precious gifts they are to everyone.We have all been blessed to have that someone special to Love, a parent, a child, a friend etc.We Love them dearly because of who they are, faults and all. Our Lord is looking for us to capture that with Him. A prime example of that is the relationship that Jesus had with Mary Magdalen. It's amazing to me as I get closer,I find these links that seem to tie in together and capture a glimpse of who Our Lord is. I was being primed (yes this is a play on words) early in the morning for what was going to be revealed later. Don't you just Love that when it happens? I know I do!
Well I hopped back on the highway last night for that long trip home again. I turned the radio on to WHOM to listen to John Tesh and the light music. I didn't get too far that I had to turn it off and silence the distractions. I needed the silence to absorb more of what happened last night. So much was coming into my head, and I didn't want a mindless journey back home. Again, I like the quiet reflection time I had alone with my co-pilot. The road to Berlin is a long, long road, and many a winding turn that leads me home to those I Love. Yes, I know that there are some of you old enough to recognize the words from a song by the Hollies. He ain't heavy he's my brother! This is just one of those songs that can stick inside your head,obviously this one has been stuck inside of me for a long time. I learned that we are people of senses and music is a very strong part of me.
Again, I know I am a little long winded today, (I took the day off) but the journey home left me with a lot of good stuff to share. Tomorrow, Terry and I are leaving again for our third Retreat. We are leaving the frozen tundra of Berlin, and heading down south to be with our other family. (Aspirants are gathering together tomorrow & Sunday!) Another one of the many gifts and blessings from Our Lord.
Adieu mes Amis!