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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Feed My Sheep!

Friday night I made plans with my best friend to go watch his kids run at a high school track meet in Bristol. We planned on leaving at 6:30 am and we agreed to go have breakfast together. Well the call came at 6:25 am and we wouldn't be making the trip. I was kind of bummed out about the cancellation. I was really looking forward to watching the kids run. Well with an empty schedule ahead of me it was time to go to plan b.

Terry and I agreed on three things that we would do for the day. First a little house cleaning, second take the dog's for a walk, and third help out the parish in the food distribution event. Well after a little cleaning, Terry and I got all three dogs ready for a walk. They were so excited to get out there and move around. We got to the dog park and we came up to the pack of dogs and their owners. Kady is a little bossy girl and she got into a little scuffle with an Airedale and they soon became friends. Another dog came into the picture and she and Kady got into another scuffle. It's tough with a bossy dog but they were over it quickly. This was a great lesson for humans. The dog's get vicious, they bite a little, they will pin someone down, but in no time at all; all is forgotten and they will run around like best buddies.  We really enjoyed walking and talking with the other owners and the dogs.

Well the parish was sponsoring a food sharing event. I originally wanted to go, but when Bruce called me to attend the track meet I agreed to go to the meet. Now that I was free Terry and I showed up to help out in any way possible. My experience with handling freight came in handy and we were all set up in no time. I helped gather every one around the coordinator with a little humor calling her our quarterback. She loved it, she said she was never called a quarterback before. We must have served over 200 families that day. I helped carry the loads for people who couldn't carry the food. The people were amazed at the amount of food we were giving away, with no questions asked. One thought kept popping up in my mind. When Jesus asked Peter to "Feed MY Sheep!" I was humbled and overwhelmed by the experience. We all did something so good for our people. I was sore and ecstatic by the day.

I guess it turned out that God had different plans for me. I wasn't supposed to be there and God found a way to get me there. I couldn't have asked for a better lesson. We are called to Feed, Tend, and Love Christ's Sheep without question or judgement. Fr. Mark was the Spirit to guide and organize this event. In his typical fashion he allowed us all to do our thing, and he just sat back while the parish took over the job. He taught me an awesome lesson through his leadership in so many ways.

My day ended spending the evening with my best friend and his wife. We had a great time at their house playing Sorry. Well that was my weekend experience and lessons that I learned. I think that plan b will always be the Lord's plan, this one was a great one!

Adieu mes Amis,


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