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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Other Side!

Like the past few weeks there is so much to do and of course there just isn't enough time to do it all. A paper to write, time to spend with Terry, time to spend with my best friend, and I'm sure you're getting the picture. Rather than feeling a little overwhelmed I'm trying to be a little more patient and planning my time a little better. 

I took care of a few projects around the house and stopped by to see my buddy. We talked for a while and just shared some very good minutes together. I got home and Terry wanted to go out. We stopped at a store and we were separated for a while and then I found her talking with friends. We were there just talking for over an hour, and you now what? It was okay because we needed that time. We got back home and we then thought of going to Mass together at 4. It was great just being with each other, seeing friends, and praising God together. We met up with Fr. Mark after Mass and Terry shared that I have been struggling more this year. His answer was quick..."Good!" ....."If it's too easy and you're not struggling, then I would be concerned!" It wasn't the answer I thought I'd get, but it made perfect sense to me. 

Terry and I had supper together and it was really nice the quiet time, just being with each other. A little later I asked her if she wanted to go out to visit friends. She was getting up early the next day so she passed on the offer. I called my buddy and asked if he was up to receiving company, and stopped by to visit him. 

That evening we sat together drinking sodas on his deck in the back yard. All we did for the rest of the night was talk. We shared how much people think they know us, and yet they rarely see the other side of us. The side that needs to be with each other, just to talk, and listen to each other. Like any great relationship we need that side, and we are better when we have that time together. 

As I try to balance all facets of my life I learned quite a bit about myself this weekend. This journey will continue to be filled with challenges that at times may seem overwhelming, but through it all I need that other side of my life, and I need to make sure I make time for it without feeling guilty.

Bonsoir et Adieu mes Amis,


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