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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Plan B!

It's early Sunday morning and I'm still reflecting on the homily that Bishop Peter gave last Saturday morning. He spoke of one particular thought that really hit home to me last night. I as many others try to fix things on my own. I've got two things going against me at times in my life. My business background which keeps me in the mode of thinking that I can repair or mend all things. Yes I know not a very smart idea, but it is a trap that I've fallen into many times in my life. The other problem I face is my stubbornness. Again, not a very good trait in handling personal situations. 

Bishop Peter talked about that we all need a plan and being who we are we believe or try to believe that Plan A, our plan, our way, is the best way. He spoke of St. Joseph and the dilemma he faced with his beloved Mary. His plan was to quietly divorce her, and we all know it wasn't God's plan. In a dream, a new plan, plan B was revealed to him, which he chose to execute. 

The Bishop then surmised that if Plan B was the Lord's plan, it should have been Plan A right from the start. Again, issues that I myself struggle with push me to the point of thinking I can fix anything, and there isn't much I can't do. Yesterday, I was humbly reminded by a personal issue that I don't have all the answers, I can't just fix everything, that I must allow the Lord to lead me and patiently accept His will.

So last night I got down on my knees and did what I should have done from the start. I started a Novena to St. Joseph and asked for him to reach out to his Son and help me through this issue. As we celebrated the feast of St. Joseph last Saturday the Bishop proclaimed...."through Joseph, to Mary, to Jesus!"

So Plan B is now and should have been from the start Plan A!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis!


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