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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A day, a night, and "It was Good!"

I've been hooked on that phrase "It was Good" ever since I read at Easter Vigil. God, like the ultimate artist would look back at creation, and pronounced it Good! Sunday was a very interesting day. I've gotten myself in the habit of reviewing the readings for Mass and also looking over the commentaries provided in my lectors workbook. After doing this I sat quietly and tried to tie in all the readings, and then  attempt to find how the Lord is speaking to me. The readings brought a common word that rang in my heart, and that would be the voice of God. The Good Shepherd, the Gate-Keeper, said that His sheep know his voice. I couldn't help to imagine that most animals recognize their master by their voice, and that they were always ready to serve,and would always listen intently to what the master had to say.  Fr. Mark was the Celebrant and his message mirrored the one that I heard. He used very similar analogies and it was awesome to feel that at least for this day I really got it.

Monday I traveled to Laconia to help out at one of our sister stores. I offered my help for a couple of days, one of them to give the manager a much needed day off. Monday I called Tom and Lynn and told them that I was in Laconia and I was wondering if they would be interested in having supper together. Tom called back that afternoon and we agreed to meet that evening. The restaurant was so close to the hotel that  I really could have walked there. This has to go down as one of the most enjoyable evening I have ever had. I'm still in awe how in such short of time a strong bond is being formed by our group. We were together for almost two hours and it felt like only a half hour. This is truly special what we all have as Aspirants.

I got back to the hotel and called my sister in Illinois. She has had a tough time with her health and I have been praying for her daily. She shared a very remarkable story with me. When she was meeting with the medical staff they were positive she had stage four breast cancer and upon further tests there was no cancer. A miracle they said! Immediately I got chills running through me, I had been praying for her health and asking Blessed John Paul to intercede on her behalf.I guess I got the answer. We talked for an hour and she said that she was feeling great,and also told me that she quit smoking.

Looking back at the last few days and spending time in another store, reminded me of how fortunate I am to have such dedicated and talented employees.

This week thus far has been different, but most of all "It was Good!"

Adieu mes Amis,


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