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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

These three things and God's grace will get you to heaven!

Now that I'm back on line something very special that I read last week really stirred up something inside of me. I'm sure that I have mentioned to you all that I have been keeping a journal since the start of the year. What I have written will never be enough to produce the Great American Novel, but it will probably give you some insight about the real me. I've learned that change will always be a constant in my life. The journal book I use I bought from the Word Among Us, and what I really love about it is the unique quotes that they insert at the top of the pages. No, I'm not getting an endorsement fee to plug their journal. Anyways, on Sunday the 17th at the top of the page I read this quote......

"Think well, Speak well, Do well.
These three things, through the mercy of God,
will make a person go to heaven.
-St. Camillus De Lellis

Wow! Piece of cake right? Such a simple little formula to make it to heaven. Sign me up I'm on my way. Right???? Well, how could something so simple be so challenging? Shouldn't this be very easy. Well!!!!! Yeah, I know often times we neglect to take care of the little things. What I find so fascinating is the simplicity of it all. We as Christians I think try to over complicate things and fail to do the little things right, yours truly included.

Ever since I read this I've tried to follow this very little recipe to create eternal glory! I'm really trying to get it right, after all we only have three little things to do and mixed in with the grace of God we will be there. Good luck to all of you, the secret recipe is out!

Adieu mes Amis,


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