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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

a tiny whispering sound.

It's Sunday morning and I'm preparing to read at Mass today. I generally look over the readings before morning prayers. Amazingly the first reading really grabbed my attention today. That one little line, ....a tiny whispering sound. All I could think about was this reading and especially those words. We are faced with so many distractions and fanfare and it seems that when we are searching for God, we're looking for  something spectacular to capture our attention and we're missing out on the little things.

So many thoughts have been flooding into my head today. I attended the 9 am Mass and decided early on that I would take my folks to Mass at 11 also. Fr. Dick was our " rent a Priest " as he called himself and he was right on with his homily on today's Gospel. After Mass I went to pick up my folks and still couldn't get the first reading out of me. I remembered one of our classes where Sr. Monique mentioned that she would love it to see someone preach about the Old Testament reading.

Fr. Kyle was the celebrant at 11 am and in his introduction he offered us a "tip", pay attention to the First Reading. He preached about it and needless to say it was very moving for me. He mentioned that where all searching for God, sometimes in a big way, or for some of us in our own obsessions; food, drink, sports, etc.

So many distractions, so much going on and to think we often miss the boat. Elijah didn't miss the tiny whisper, because he was ready and open to God. To quote one of my old professors one more time....." relax, relax, turn the radio off and the radar on!"

I pray that we all hear the tiny whispers of the Lord and be His voice out there!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis!


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