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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Monday, August 15, 2011

What can the Spirit do with you????

Yesterday was my day to go to the hospital here in Berlin. This day was an unusual day, the weather was somber, and I have learned to be prepared for the unusual to happen. I did say prepare, which means I'm learning to understand that almost anything can and will happen.

I walked through the entrance door and the receptionist was ready for me and she handed me the lists and said..."better late than never." Wow, I wasn't ready for that one. I looked over the list and recognized only two names. I saw a couple of people that were there a few weeks ago and though the looked better, I'm sure it was tough on them. I met a young lady who was in great spirits even though she had a herniated disc in her back. She then was in quite a bit of pain and I felt helpless and offered to call someone, she didn't respond. Then I reached out for her hand and prayed with her and asked Our Lord the Great Physician to heal her in her time of pain and suffering. She was still in pain but she was different, I saw her smile again and her eyes lit up. Something special happened there through the Holy Spirit.

The rest of the patients were either sleeping or unable to receive the Blessed Sacrament. Just before leaving I always make it a point to talk to a particular receptionist who is really a delight to talk to. She always has a smile and a very positive outlook, I really love that in people. Then as I was walking outside to my car I met a woman who was going into the hospital. She looked familiar to me. I really thought I had seen her in Church on Sunday morning, and then I said....."Didn't I see you in Church this morning?" She said you probably did, she is on her usual two week  camping trip at Dolly Copp  and she was visiting a relative who was sick from a hiking trip. She commented how much she enjoyed Fr. Kyle and how fortunate we were to have such a good Priest. We spoke for only a few moments, and when I look back I think...."What made me do that?" I've always been friendly, but to just reach out like that! I guess the best word to describe the feeling is that I was compelled to reach out to this person. I will never know the impact of the connections that I made yesterday, but I do know how it has affected me.

I have accepted that the unusual can and will happen, and often times without notice the Spirit will do something with me!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


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