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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's..........Our Time!

For the past few weeks I've been very busy on Sunday's. I have either been a lector or Eucharistic Minister at the 9 am Mass and then I've been taking my folks to the 11 am Mass in Gorham. What I've really enjoyed by the experience is hearing two different homilies. We are blessed to have two fantastic Priests who are great at homilies. 

This weekend was my first in a while to only hear one. Fr. Kyle our birthday boy, (he just turned 29 yesterday) spoke about how the world is encroaching upon the Church and how we need to take our Christianity out there to the world. He spoke about how Tim Tebow a devout Christian for many years created a stir because of his outward signs of faith. I also read about how Phillip Rivers another NFL quarterback spoke of his faith and how he felt it necessary to attend Mass on Sunday's in order to be completely ready to play. Fr. also talked about how the cathedral of the NFL and corporate America was uncomfortable by Tim Tebow's public display. 

Fr. stressed that we need to take our faith out there in God's world. Not just in Church on Sunday, not just because He lives inside of each one of us, we need to evangelize and change the world. 

So really for me I felt that the message was it's not Tebow time, it's actually......Our Time! It's up to us to be the one's taking it to the streets. (Just like the Doobie Brothers song!) 

We need to stop the world from dictating our beliefs and to start sharing the message of the Gospel!

It's Our Time!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


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