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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Off to a rocky start!

As most of you may well know school has gotten off to a very rocky start. We begin with the cancellation of a class because of snow last Thursday. The ironic part to that one is that this has been one of the mildest winters I've ever seen and oh well, that's the way it goes. 

Tuesday night would be our first class. There was a little less anxiety on my part, as I'm trying to go with the flow. We started fine and then it happened! The video was frozen and then two messages...."St. Anselm has left the Conference".......Recording!" 

Well, it wasn't as if this has never happened to us, so we discussed our thoughts on the last class we just finished. We then got into a discussion on our thoughts of what we had just read for that evening. The general feeling is that this will be an intense and thought provoking course. Christology and the Trinity, not exactly two very easy beliefs to define as we were finding out. I came away feeling that what I take for granted and accept very well, took so long to define. Now we will be trying to understand this, hopefully more than ever before.

We talked amongst ourselves for a little over an hour and agreed that if by 7:30 we weren't on we would call it a night. Unfortunately, we wrapped up the evening at that time and we headed back home. 

I arrived in Berlin at about 9 pm and I dropped off Mike home. I decided that I would go visit my buddies at the bowling alley. They were all surprised to see me, and it seemed that they were then a little more energized and won that final game. The other team noticed also, as they said.."things changed when the heckler showed up!"  I stayed for a couple of beers and some good conversation.

Thursday night's class was right on! No interruptions, no distractions, and it was wonderful. I thought our professor did an awesome job, and he kept me alert. Yeah, after a long day it can be tough. I loved it! It's still hard to be fully involved when you aren't in the room. You can still get that feeling that you aren't really there. I'm working on adjusting myself to get comfortable with this way of learning. 

So that is the week of schooling in a nut shell!

Today I'm going on another road trip. I'm heading south to SNHU to watch our Mountaineers play in the Division III basketball finals. I've been praying for them to have a safe trip, be healthy, and enjoy the experience. I've also prayed that our fans show the dignity and respect of what it is to be from Berlin. 

Today, if you are anywhere near that gymnasium and see a large migration of fans, you will know what it is like to be a Mountaineer. Terry said it best last night while talking to friends from Manchester. No matter where you are in life, where you live, Berlin will always be your home. You are a Mountaineer for life! With pride and excitement I and many of us will make the journey south and share our home town pride with the rest of the state! The northern invasion will begin soon......

"Go Mountaineers!"

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


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