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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Still Practicing!

It's been an up and down week this week. I have really enjoyed this course "Christology and The Trinity". Tuesday night went very well with one little problem, fatigue. After getting up early, a full day's work, travel time, classes, ....it's a challenge. I even went to Church this week for a few moments to pray that I have the physical strength to make it through each and every night.

Last night I felt that my energy level was very good and I was pumped up for a good class. We celebrated Tom's 60th Birthday last night before, and during class. Upon the start of the class I had a question and noticed something odd about the video portion of the conference. It took a while longer but we noticed that the video portion was getting scrambled, and that there was a delay between the audio and the video portion. It was so distracting that the second half of the class I could only listen because viewing the video was giving me a headache. 

It was frustrating for all of us again. Mike and I both discussed our frustrations with this way of learning. Today my professor mentioned that he also wishes we were all together as he feels "disconnected". I shared this with Terry today, that Mike and I felt that the evil one is doing his very best to discourage us. Terry said.."I'm not surprised!" I looked at her quite confused. She said this.."The devil will attack the easier prey, the smaller flock that is away from everyone!" I really loved that point and I'm convinced that this is definitely going on.

Tomorrow there are three of us traveling to the Breakfast with the Bishop. We have three Mike's and a Mitch leaving early to assemble, share, and just be with others who believe. 

I ask for all of your prayers of support for all of the Candidates but especially for our little flock in Plymouth. 

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


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