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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Friday, March 2, 2012

No....It isn't your time yet!

Discerning a vocation is something we are all called to do. I'm beginning to believe that period of discernment  isn't a one shot deal. Let me share a wonderful little story with you how God spoke to me yesterday through my best friend. 

I have known Bruce since we were eleven years old. You may have seen a few pictures of us together in my campfire blogs. We have so much history together, that we really know each other very well. Yesterday he called me to help out with a little situation that he knew I could deal with.

Minutes later he called me back and said..."you know when you felt that you were being called to be a priest?"  I said ...."Yes!" ....."You really thought you had that calling but the Lord said No.....It isn't your time yet!" "The Lord didn't let you go, he continued to groom you, for what was to come in the future!"  "Your time is know Mitch, and you will be a great Deacon!" "I can see you helping so many people and bringing them to the Lord!" 

Wow! I was so humbled and very speechless from what he said! I'm still a little overwhelmed by this even now.  We have a relationship where we are constantly teasing each other and after doing this for over 40 years everyone expects this from us. What they don't see is the wonderful moments we have together that are really a treasure to both of us, the very quiet and personal ones that are truly from the heart.

So if there are any doubts, any anxieties at all, just have a talk with your best friend! You may be teased a  bit, but you will always hear what comes from the heart!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


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