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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Friday, June 10, 2011

"And who do you say I am?"

This will be my final reflections of the final retreat of the year. This day was a complete day for me from start to finish. Getting up early to see that another beautiful day was on tap, and what a day it would be. We begin with Morning Prayer and this is how our life should be, waking up and being in His Presence.

Next on the agenda is our final session with Dean & Sue. This one for me personally would even top what happened on Saturday. Deacon Arnold was the person chosen to be the experimental subject. The question was raised " who thinks they really know Deacon Arnold? " We had I believe five volunteers to go up and look at Deacon Arnold and tell him what they thought of him, what were his unique talents. The moment was as humbling for me as it was for him. Wow! Two comments came back afterwards, Deacon Arnold said "my wife told me, you better not doubt yourself ever again," and then Steve mentioned that this event reminded him of when Jesus asked the Disciples "Who do you say that I am?"

We were then instructed to break down in small groups and do the same with each other. You know what? It's really awesome to be able to tell someone you care about exactly what you love about them, but it isn't very easy to receive it. It honestly wasn't very hard sharing what what I  thought of each of them. Jim mentioned how as a group, this was the right time to do this. In a years time we have formed a very unique bond, that remains strong. Tears were flowing, choked up feelings, and there was just an indescribable warmness in the air. We are very close to getting rid of the name tags, except that our leaders who come to help us, really need them to recognize each one of us. Like a family we easily recognize each other and we love spending time with each other.

Finally, the Rite of Candidacy! I remember three times in my life that I had the same feelings,when I received my Eagle Scout Award, when I graduated in 1978 from High School, and the day of my wedding. I was alive and I wanted to take it all in. I just couldn't get enough of each moment and Jim reminded me that I was smiling throughout the Mass. I generally don't hide my emotions very well, when I am excited every one will know it. Deacon Greg was beaming and his smile stood out for me. Each and every person there made this day special, getting to meet the families, friends, and sharing this with my brothers and sisters ( all of you!)

We are no longer "Aspirins", we have publicly announced and committed our selves to this journey. Let the good times roll!

That evening my family gathered at Olive Garden in Concord to break bread and celebrate this amazing day. We even saw Eric and his wife after we left!

The ride home was quiet and reflective, again just taking in what happened that day. This is it, and let us all allow the Holy Spirit to continue to guide us on our path!

Many thanks to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, all who have contributed to this Blessed Day in their own way, those who made this journey just to be there for us, the prayers, the kind words, and just the Love of Christ that is so strong.

Adieu mes Amis,


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