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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Where it all began!

Once again we are about to close out another month this year, and as time keeps ticking away I've been working harder to find those quiet times of reflection. The other evening I listened to Reflections from Pope Benedict XVI from St. Luke productions on the app Laudate on my kindle fire. Yes, this is the same one that I have mentioned a few times in the past.

This reflection was simply amazing. I really try to listen to it every day, but on this occaision I replayed it over and over again trying to dot down notes from what inspired me.

Here are a few of the reflection highlights:

  • The Apostles were experts on Jesus, hence our Apostolic tradition.
  • They received an invitation, first an invitation to "come and see",  then ....... ....."An invitation to enter into the mystery of the communion in Christ!
  • Before being sent out to preach "they had to "be" with Jesus, establishing a personal relationship with Him!"
  • "Evangelization is a proclamation of what they have felt, and they were not called to proclaim an idea, they are a witness to a person!"

The main highlight for me came from this one:

"This adventure began as an encounter of people open to one another!"

The adventure of this Apostolic tradition began over a thousand years ago because a few people were open to one another. A great love developed that needed to be shared, they could no longer hide away, deny it, or conceal it, they became the lamp that lighted up the world, and this great Apostolic tradition can only continue if we are open to one another.

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where is Meriba and Massah?

I've come to the realization that there are no ordinary days and epiphanies will come if you are open to receiving them, and lastly when you least expect them to! So with that mouthful out of the way you probably already guessed that something unusual happened again.

For several weeks now Mike M and I have opened up a bit more and shared our faith, and our lives to each other. For the second time this week we were stuck on something in the Morning readings. Actually today we didn't even get going and we discussed just a few words. Like I said the last time we have been praying most mornings 5 days a week for almost two years and here it is  .................

"Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did in the wilderness,
when at Meriba and Massah
they challenged and provoked me,
Although they had seen all my works."

Here we are ready to start and Mike says ...."Meriba and Massah ..... everything is Meriba and Massah!"

I wasn't so startled this time and rather I wanted to jump right into this, and Mike said .....
"We live in Meriba and Massah throughout our lives, we are sinful, and stubborn, and like our ancestors we have stayed that way despite seeing all the wonders Our Lord has done for us!"

Well being the person I am I checked it out and this is what I came up with......
Moses named the place Massah (which means "test") and Meribah (which means "arguing") because the people of Israel argued with Moses and tested the LORD by saying, "Is the LORD here with us or not?"New Living Translation 2007

Doesn't this sound like you and I? We go about our lives thinking we are all set no matter what we do, and when something goes wrong in our lives we getting all worked up, wondering where is God? Why has he left us? Again, like in a previous posting ...."Who Moved?"

We both agreed that we will try with all our might to stay away from Meriba and Massah in our lives, even though we know that is impossible!

So the next time someone asks you .....  "Have you been to any interesting places lately?"

Tell them you've been spending way too much time in Meriba in Massah, and get ready for that look!

Bonsoir et Adieu mes Amis,


Monday, June 25, 2012

We are all on borrowed time!

I have been enjoying Morning Prayers with my friend Mike M. for close to two years now and we both commented, "today is just an ordinary day in ordinary times". Yes I know it's a little corny, but I've already warned all of you of one of my character flaws. Life for most of us can really feel routine, like you are just going through the motions. Unfortunately even in prayer time it can be routine.

This morning would be anything but routine! We recited the Invitatory together and then we checked out the Hymns that were offered. Mike is not a fan of singing but really puts  a great effort into it. Today because I don't know the hymns well enough to sing it, we recited "I Sing the Mighty Power of God!" There are only three verses and it does have a very nice rhythm to it.

We are now reciting the final verse and when we are done I was ready to move on to the first Psalm. For the first time ever Mike doesn't follow and all he does is repeat the ending of the third verse. I was wondering what he was doing and then he said ........... "Our lives are part of something greater, we are only borrowing this time!" He then repeated we are living on borrowed time! He also explained to me how today, just an ordinary day, he found something profound, something truly extraordinary. He said...."We have been reading this at least a dozen times since we started praying together and a phrase really hit me hard!"

#10 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Verse 3

"There's not a plant or flower below,
But makes your glories known;
And clouds arise and tempest blow,
By order from your throne;
While all that borrows life from you Is ever in your care,
And everywhere that man can be, You, God, are present there."

Needless to say our prayer time stopped for a few moments and he shared how wonderful it was to receive this "epiphany"! This wonderful revelation, a gift from God, has been right before our very eyes for such a long time and now we realize it. We are truly His!

So as we remain forever in His care, let us be like the flowers and plants and make his glory known, and like the clouds let us arise, and proclaim that His Kingdom is at hand, all that we have is yours oh Lord, and thank you for always being there for us!

Bonsoir et Adieu mes Amis,


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Third Degree!

Even though we are on "school break" my life is still in high gear. Our busy season at work begins in April and will continue until October. We obviously have a little overlap between the two. So far so good with 2 years under our belt.

This week business wise was an "event" as the company provided an incentive for our customers to buy, and an incentive for us to sell. I really love competition, regardless if there is any benefit involved. I love competing, and I really love to fire up my team to lay it all on the line no matter what the outcome is. Tomorrow morning I'll find out who was the lucky winner.

On Friday Terry and I took a trip to Manchester for two reasons. First we left early so I could order my "dress" as Terry calls it, actually it's an alb. I talked to the very nice lady and she asked what I wanted. I said "one with a hood", Terry said "so he can be a Deacon in the Hoods!" She continued by asking why would you want one with a hood. Obviously, they aren't the most popular, but I shared my reasons:

  1. I was an altar server as a boy, and I continued that when my son was growning up.
  2. I went to the seminary at St. Meinrad's the same as our Bishop, so in honor of those who taught me I wanted a hooded alb.
  3. The four of us from Plymouth talked about being the Deacons in the Hood!
So I have a hooded alb on order to be picked up at a later date. Terry's best friend lives in Manchester and we decided to spend some time with them. We had supper with them, we sat up late in the evening to talk, and then we spent most of the day with them also. We attended Mass at the Church of the Holy Transfiguration on Kelly St. and met up with Fr. John who taught me a class in Plymouth a little over a year ago.

Today was another day that would be full of things to do. Terry and I got up early and checked out the progress of our garden, and then she went to work and I prepared myself for the Third Degree exemplification in Berlin. Mike and I are now Third Degree members of the Knights.

Tonight I will wrap up the evening by going ..................BOWLING!

It's been two weeks since I went bowling and I'm really anxious to get back to the lanes.

Well, the busyness in my life won't end any time soon! Actually, knowing me it will never really end.

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I guess it is turning into one of those days where as they say ..... "the juices are flowing!" While looking over today's reading we hear our Lord challenging us to be perfect like the Father is. Perfect! Really! Me! I know I have an ego but not that bad!

That word is something that I have a hard time swallowing. Growing up as a bilingual person I've always heard it said .... "it gets lost in the translation!" Well I checked out a reflection on the Laudate app,(Kindle fire) on today's readings and there is the discussion on perfection. I read that in Aramaic (Jesus'  language) it meant whole, complete, not lacking in the essentials.

This word really needs to get out there to everyone. You and I can easily get frustrated with the impossible task of being "perfect" or we can work hard to try with the grace of God to be whole, to be complete, and fill ourselves up with what is really the essentials in life: faith, family, friends, prayers, acts of charity, etc.

With that in mind, I wish you all the necessary "essentials" for a truly good life!

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,


Quo Vadis - Where are you going?

 I thought I would share with all of you the event my parish will be hosting shortly. I pray that we will be able to fill our beautiful Church to capacity with many pilgrims.
Contact Diocese of Manchester for event and ticket information.

Feast of Saint Anne- Diocesan Pilgrimage

Thursday, July 26, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (ET)

Berlin, NH

Feast of Saint Anne- Diocesan Pilgrimage

Ticket Information

Type EndQuantity
Pilgrim more info
Jul 26, 2012 Free
Candlelight Prayer Service- 8/25 8:00pm Jul 26, 2012 Free
Luncheon BBQ- 8/26 11:30-1:00pm Jul 26, 2012 Free
Organ Concert- 8/26 1:30pm Jul 26, 2012 Free
Mass & Eucharistic Procession 7/26 3:00pm Jul 26, 2012 Free

Who's Going

Connect to see which of your Facebook friends are going.

Event Details


Wednesday, July 25th
8:00pm Candlelight Vigil Prayer Service
St. Anne Church
345 Pleasant St.
Berlin, NH
Thursday, July 26th
9:00am-3:00pm Pilgrim Welcome/Information Center
St. Anne Chuch
345 Pleasant St.
Berlin, NH
          • Eucharistic Adoration
          • Veneration of the Relic of St. Anne
          • Guided Tours of St. Anne Church
          • River Boat Rides
          • Moffett House- History Tours
          • Scenic Drives w/ Guide Maps
          • Bowling
          • Pilgrimage Hikes
11:30pm-1:00pm BBQ Luncheon
Northern Heritage Park
Berlin, NH
12:00-3:00pm Confessions
St. Anne Church
1:30pm Organ Concert
St. Anne Church
3:00pm Mass + Eucharistic Procession, Presided by Most Rev. Peter Libasci, Bishop of Manchester
St. Anne Church
5:00pm Evening Activities
        • Enjoy pilgrim dinner specials provided by local area restaurants (details available at pilgrim welcome center)
        • Special activities and live music at the Berlin Farmer’s Market

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please contact Deacon Andrew Nelson at

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No, online tickets are simply used for planning purposes. Pre-registration is appreciated so that we can be properly prepared to welcome you.

When & Where

Map DataMap data ©2012 Google - Terms of Use
Map Data
Map data ©2012 Google
Map data ©2012 Google


St. Anne Church
345 Pleasant St Berlin, NH 03570

Thursday, July 26, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (ET)

Add to my calendar

Bonjour et Adieu mes Amis,
