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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Encountering Christ together!

What a weekend I had and I'm sure you all felt the same way. The ebb and flow of the weekend was so different than the first. We traveled together at a smooth and easy pace all weekend with the ultimate goal of encountering our Lord Jesus Christ. What a presentation by Brother Mark, he opened my eyes and reassured me with what I learned. I learned two things from him this weekend, I learned so much about the various avenues that we have to help us encounter Christ. I was reassured to know that I had and for quite some time now used some of these opportunities in my everyday prayer life.

I started this title with encountering together. I wanted to make a point to start sitting, talking, and getting to know my new family. Terry and I were definitely on the same page with this. As large a group as we are I know it will still take some time to get to meet and be with each one of you. I'm sure we weren't the only ones out there attempting to do the same.

Returning back to the theme of ebb and flow, I sensed a change of pace that many more were looking to sit down talk and share about their lives and journey. I really enjoyed the conversations right up until about 10:40 pm when our little group were the last to say good night.  I am in awe that the feelings and the emotions of being there were very mutual. It's great to share what we have with family who get it, and feel the same way.

I would like to share words, ideas, and thoughts that resonate with me!
Susan you helped create a great sense of family (community by what you started) Bravo!
Pauline you have such a warm smile and a very welcoming personality
Mike and Linda we both share a bond meeting our loved one in a grocery store
Deacon Greg dances so well when given a loaf of bread
It was a pleasure to meet Dana finally!
Geoff you are so funny: Passing with humility, self sanding roads, & lastly the Ordeal
Bob,Chris, Bill, Ken, Deacon Greg it was great taking with you to the end.
Bill I believe I share a passion of our french heritage, Merci Beaucoups mon amis
Sharing the words spoken by our Lord in the Psalms.
Again I read Invited or not God is present, this was presented in another passage, truly God was present among us!
Missing Steve & his Wife, Our community prays for you in unity; our Love, Prayers, and Thoughts are with you constantly!
A special thanks to everyone for the kindness and Love they share.
To my mini family in Plymouth: Tom, Lynn,Steve, Linda we share something very special that Terry and I treasure immensely.
To all of You I wish you a very blessed Advent Season as we continue to prepare to Encounter Christ.

Bonsoir, Adieu ma famille!

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