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Scenes from my first Christmas

Yes, this is my First Christmas.....as a Deacon of course. Fr. Andrew reminded me and the entire congregation of that, along with the story ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Nostalgic feel of Christmas past.

Well, time to share a little more about myself as we prepare for the coming of our Savior. This year I celebrated two milestones. First I celebrated my 25th anniversary with Sherwin-Williams. Before I started with this great company I was almost like a wanderer in the desert. I often moved on and on to what I believed would be the best thing for me. Like everything else I had to weather some storms, and enjoyed some great years. I have met some great people, and some not too great people. All in all, I have truly enjoyed my career. It has been a blessing that I have been able to support my family through my work.

On 9/11, yes 9/11 I celebrated my 50th birthday. I actually was in the twin towers in NY at my 40th birthday, a year before the tragedy.  This year was very special. Terry gave me a personal party that I had with family and friends, and yes we topped it off with a campfire to end a perfect day.

So where does the nostalgia come in? Well, if you haven't read my bio I was raised in a french Catholic parish in Berlin's east side. My french Canadian heritage wasn't something I was born with, it was my life. My faith and my heritage is what I lived by. Faith and family were always first in my life. I grew up like most east side children, speaking french, playing hockey (after all Berlin is the original Hockey Town USA), attending Mass at L'Ange Guardian (Guardian Angel), and going to school at L'ecole Ange Guardian. 

Now to the point of this nostalgia. One item that has been missing from this Advent Season and will be at Christmas mass is my french heritage. I know it's difficult, if not impossible to find priest's today who can celebrate in french, but it's the one thing I really do miss. My daughter, who is a lapsed Catholic, called me and asked about french Christmas songs. It really affected two nerves. First that there is still a spark of faith in her working through our Lord. Then it touched my heart in remembering Christmas past.

As I look outside the window today and see the beautiful white snow, yes we do have snow up north, I long for my childhood memories of O Nuit de Paix (Silent Night), and all the other songs and the entire Mass in French. As a child I may have not always felt this way, but as I reflect back I do miss it. I don't necessarily want to go back in time, but I was blessed to have two languages, two heritages, and one great faith!

Joyeux Noel, Bonne Heureuse Annee a tous!

Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year to all!



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