I am enjoying the beginning of my last vacation for the year. I decided today to play around with a few gadgets. I'm not very computer literate but I do love to play around and try to, I guess enhance the blog. I've added some pictures, probably inspired by our last formation weekend. I added a slide show that I thought looked neat, and I've added some news links that I thought people might like to see.
For the past several months I have been reading the Word Among Us each morning. Our parish offers copies for the parishioners. I have loved reading these, for they have inspired me, helped me in my reflection papers, and just got me going on the right path each day. I have opened a link to wau.org, Word Among Us. Please take the time to review, I'm sure you will enjoy.
God Bless
I wanted to thank you for your posts! I am apart of "The Called to Servant Leadership" program at St. Anselm College. (My first year) We may have met at Orientation. Thanks again for your wonderful and honest posts! ~Merry Christmas!